On the fourth Wednesday of each month, Redeemer reaches out to those in the neighborhood surrounding the church who are in need of assistance with food items. On those days, the church's Food Pantry is open from 8:00 a.m. until 11:00 a.m. HIV testing from the Health Department is also available at this time. If emergency assistance is needed at other times, individuals may contact the church office. Occasionally, because of a holiday, or for staffing reasons, the date of the food distribution will change. When this happens, a notice will be posted on the doors of the Fellowship Hall, or in the windows of the connector to the church. Feel free to call the church office to confirm distribution dates. The Food Pantry is a function of Redeemer's Board of Social Ministry, and benefits from a collaboration with Dare to Care, and a grant from the Jefferson Countny Kentucky Chapter of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans.
On November 18, 2015 we held our annual warm clothing give away in conjunction with our food pantry. Over 1,500 items were contributed. One hundred ten families were able to shop and select, providing items for 194 adults and 166 children. Thank you to those whose clothing contributions and efforts in sorting, organizing, and running the give away made this possible! Social Ministry Our Board of Social Ministry seeks to respond to persons experiencing the hardships of hunger, loneliness, and physical needs by operating the Food Pantry, preparing Christmas fruit baskets for congregational shut-ins, and Christmas food baskets for those in need. This ministry cannot meet all needs, but seeks to help in those ways in which we are gifted as a congregation. |